Extract Y at X – A QtiPlot plug-in/script

I’ve written and posted a QtiPlot plug-in/script (python) I call “Extract Y at X” that extracts the y-values at a given x-value for a series of curves contained in a graph and generates a new table with those values.

The files can be downloaded using the link below. The .zip file contains three files: the script (.py) file, an xml file defining the Qt inteface (.ui), and a README file. Refer to the README file for notes on installation and use.

I wrote this script to analyze a large group of datasets that I had collected. Each dataset was measurement of current as a function of voltage for a device I had constructed and each was collected at a different temperature. In a single dataset the current grew exponentially and across datasets the current grew exponentially with temperature. In order to quantitatively determine how the current changed with temperature I needed to extract the current at some voltage from each dataset. The usual way to do this is to look through the data manually in each dataset and find the point I needed, e.g. the current at +1 V for each dataset. Given that I had so many datasets, it was useful to write a script to do this for me.



Update 7/18/14:

I found and fixed a bug that limited the number of extracted points to 30.

Update  8/5/14:

As described in another post this plug-in may not work in Windows versions of QtiPlot without the proper dependencies satisfied. The trouble is not the script itself but its reliance on the uic module of Qt which may not have been packed with a particular QtiPlot version when it was compiled and is therefore unavailable to the script. Linux users should be fine, so long as Qt libraries are installed.

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